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Galt Joint Union High School District
Galt Joint Union High School District is dedicated to enriching lives and building a caring and collaborative learning community by providing Adult Learners with quality educational opportunities and support services.

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Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and other State Plans and Reports

Dear Students, Families, and Staff of the Galt Joint Union High School District,


We greatly appreciate your input into the development of the 2024-25 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which is the district’s strategic plan for how state and federal funding will be utilized to meet student and community needs to ensure opportunities and outcomes are improved for all students.  As part of the development process, the district is required to engage with and solicit feedback from our educational partners, including our families, staff, and students.  This feedback is then used to inform the goals and actions outlined in the LCAP and is shared with district and site administration for consideration.


Below is a draft of our 2024-25 LCAP which was presented to the Board of Trustees on Thursday, June 6 for a public hearing, and will be brought to the Board for final approval on Thursday, June 20. If you have any questions or comments about the LCAP or the process we use to develop this important plan, please us this LCAP Feedback Form


Thank you,

Linda DeWilde

Director of Educational Services

Please direct any comments or questions to the Director of Educational Services, Linda DeWilde, at [email protected], or you can stop by the District Office and leave your comments there.