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Galt Joint Union High School District
Galt Joint Union High School District is dedicated to enriching lives and building a caring and collaborative learning community by providing Adult Learners with quality educational opportunities and support services.

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Section 504 Grievance Procedure

Section 504 Coordinator and Grievance Procedure
If a parent/guardian disagrees with any district action or decision regarding the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of his/her child under Section 504, he/she may request a Section 504 due process hearing within 30 days of that action or decision.

Prior to requesting a Section 504 due process hearing, the parent/guardian may, at his/her discretion, but within 30 days of the district's action or decision, request an administrative review of the action or decision. The Coordinator shall designate an appropriate administrator to meet with the parent/guardian to attempt to resolve the issue and the administrative review shall be held within 14 days of receiving the parent/guardian's request. If the parent/guardian is not satisfied with the resolution of the issue, or if the parent/guardian did not request an administrative review, he/she may request a Section 504 due process hearing.

A Section 504 due process hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedures:
  1. The parent/guardian shall submit a written request to the Coordinator within 30 days of receiving the district's decision or, if an administrative review is held, within 14 days of the completion of the review. The request for the due process hearing shall include:
    1. The specific nature of the decision with which he/she disagrees
    2. The specific relief he/she seeks
    3. Any other information he/she believes is pertinent to resolving the disagreement
  2. Within 30 days of receiving the parent/guardian's request, the Superintendent or designee and 504 Coordinator shall select an impartial hearing officer. This 30-day deadline may be extended for good cause or by mutual agreement of the parties.
  3. Within 45 days of the selection of the hearing officer, the Section 504 due process hearing shall be conducted and a written decision mailed to all parties. This 45-day deadline may be extended for good cause or by mutual agreement of the parties.
  4. The parties to the hearing shall be afforded the right to be accompanied and advised by legal counsel and by individuals with special knowledge or training related to the problems of students with disabilities under Section 504.
    1. Present written and oral evidence
    2. Question and cross-examine witnesses
    3. Receive written findings by the hearing officer stating the decision and explaining the reasons for the decision
If desired, either party may seek a review of the hearing officer's decision by a federal court of competent jurisdiction.
(See District Administrative Regulation 6164.6.)
Jonathan Martin 
504 Coordinator
150 Camellia Way 
Galt, CA. 95632
209-745-3061 x1021
[email protected]