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Galt Joint Union High School District
Galt Joint Union High School District is dedicated to enriching lives and building a caring and collaborative learning community by providing Adult Learners with quality educational opportunities and support services.

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Change of Address

Whenever changes are made to any demographic information (e.g., parent name, student name, phone number, email address), please alert the Registrar at your child’s school as soon as possible to ensure the accuracy of district electronic records. If changes are made to your physical address, the parent or legal guardian must disclose the change in physical address to the school’s Registrar within thirty (30) days of relocating.
Note: A change in physical address may impact which school your child attends after relocation. Prior to relocation, be sure to check district school boundaries here:
By district policy, if the relocation address falls outside the boundary of the current high school attended, the student will be flipped to the opposite high school in the district no later than the end of the present grading term.
Below is the Registrar contact information for our district high schools.
Estrellita Continuation High School
Donna Victoriano
209-745-2167 Ext. 4004
[email protected]
Galt High School
Lucia Ocampo, Registrar
209-745-3081 Ext. 2021
[email protected]
Fax: 209-745-3936
Liberty Ranch High School
Angela Ramos, Registrar
209-744-4250 Ext. 6113
[email protected]
Fax: 209-745-2601